Preventive conservation of the human environment 6. Architecture as an element of the landscape

Preventive conservation of the human environment 6. Architecture as an element of the landscape, red. Weronika Kobylińska-Bunsch, Zbigniew Kobyliński i Louis Daniel Nebelsick. Archaeologica Hereditas 10. Warszawa 2018.
W roku 2018 Fundacja wydała, we współpracy z Instytutem Archeologii Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Instytutem Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego i Fundacją Archeologiczną z Zielonej Góry tom poświęcony architekturze jako części składowej krajobrazu. Ten tom, stanowiący dziesiąty tom serii prac Instytutu Archeologii UKSW, zatytułowanej Archaeologica Hereditas, stanowił równocześnie szóstą część serii Konserwacja zapobiegawcza środowiska.
Spis treści:
- Weronika Kobylińska-Bunsch, Zbigniew Kobyliński and Louis Daniel Nebelsick – Preface
- Andrzej Tomaszewski – Environmental preventive conservation
- Zbigniew Kobyliński and Weronika Kobylińska-Bunsch – The idea of preventive conservation of human environment
- Lazare Eloundou Assomo – Preventive conservation of the human environment: architecture as an element of the landscape
- Stefano De Caro – The role of the architecture in the creation, enhancement and preservation of cultural landscapes
- Paolo Del Bianco – World Heritage SITES for DIALOGUE: heritage for intercultural dialogue, through travel, “Life Beyond Tourism”
- Barsha Amarendra, Bishnu Tamuli and Amarendra Kumar Das – Role of cultural sustainability of a tribe in developing a timeless cultural landscape: a case study of the Apatani tribe
- Cynthia M. Ammerman – The corporate and cultural: honoring the monumental in Kansas City, Missouri
- Marek Barański – Damaged landscape of Ancient Palmyra and its recovery
- Ewa M. Charowska – The art of (architectural) reconstruction at archaeological sites in situ within the context of cultural landscapes
- Urszula Forczek-Brataniec, Ana Luengo and Tony Williams – Lessons from landscape, landscape archetypes
- Joanna Gruszczyńska – The city for people – the image of post-industrial sites in modern city
- Eva Gutscoven, Ana Pereira Roders and Koen Van Balen – Sustainability by management: a comparative policy study of the World Heritage cities of Amsterdam, Edinburgh and Querétaro
- Tetiana Kazantseva – Polychromy in architecture as a manifestation of the link between man and environment
- Weronika Kobylińska-Bunsch – Capturing architecture – the poetic vision of cultural heritage in the inter-war Polish pictorial photography
- Zbigniew Kobyliński – Landscape with ruins: preservation and presentation of archaeological relics of architecture
- Diederik de Koning – Educating architects: the problem with agricultural buildings
- Heiner Krellig – Historic gardens and climate change. Conclusions and perspectives
- Karen Lens and Nikolaas Vande Keere – The monastic landscape – carrier of memory and potential catalyst in conservation and adaptive reuse processes of material and immaterial heritage
- Mingqian Liu – The missing landscape of Yuanmingyuan: preservation and revitalisation of a Chinese imperial garden
- Estefanía López Salas – Seeking the traces of a former monastic landscape in the vicinity of Samos Abbey (Galicia, Spain)
- Fernando Magalhães – Landscape and national identity in Portugal
- Romano Martini and Cristiano Luchetti – The city that penetrates the sky
- Christine McCarthy – Siting penal heritage: a history of Wellington’s prison landscape
- Louis Daniel Nebelsick – Phantom heritage: Thingstätten and “sacred” landscapes of the Third Reich
- Ewa Paszkiewicz – 21st Century Garden with exhibition pavilion in Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw
- Kamil Rabiega – The meanings of ruins for the history of the cultural landscape on the example of the remains of the castle complex at Wyszyna
- Petro Rychkov and Nataliya Lushnikova – Dissolving materiality: ruins and plant relicts in the landscape parks by Denis McClair at Volhynia
- Işılay Tiarnagh Sheridan – Memory of the landscape: revelation through architecture and built environment at the Çamalti Saltern
- Juan Alejandro Saldarriaga Sierra – Pre-Hispanic walkscapes in Medellín, Colombia
- Carinna Soares de Sousa and Almir Francisco Reis – The invisible and endangered landscape: the case of the margins of the Cascavel Stream in Goiânia, Brazil
- Aleksandra Stępniewska – Diamond mines shaping the South African landscapes
- Ingrida Veliutė – (Un)wanted heritage in the cityscape – arguments for destruction or reuse. The case of the city of Kaunas
- Anna Wiśnicka – The Nordic Pavilion projects at the 2016 Venice Biennale. Scandinavian approach to architectural landscape
- Dominik Ziarkowski – Architecture in the cultural landscape of the Prądnik Valley
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